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Mary And Jesus

Mary And Jesus

Regular price $18.00 USD
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This watercolor painting is off of a famous oil painting of "The Polish Madonna" by Piotr Stachiewi. A friend reached out to me awhile back asking to recreate this image because prints were no longer in circulation. I truly believe this man captured Mary indescribably well. Honored to carry out Piotr's beauty to world, I wanted to create a watercolor rendition capturing Mary's beauty and Jesus's innocence. May many hearts continue to be transformed and brought to Jesus and Mary through the beauty of art and creation.

Everyday must have been a new fiat for Mary. First to the angel of course. A gentle yes to a huge unknown. I imagine the warmth of the Holy Spirit rushing upon her- a fire of love welling up within her. Her entire being taken by the grace of God’s closeness.

Each day after she must have had to approach God for guidance. How do I bear your son into the uncertainty of this world around me? His courage quelled her fear.
And then she had to keep saying yes. Her family must of questioned her about her pregnancy. Maybe Joachim and Anne always knew she would do great things but this had to be a bit out there even for them. Her courage was steadfast because the Lord asked something of her. We can do anything when we know it’s of the Lord.

Initially telling Joseph must have been challenging. But there Mary was- saying yes to bearing Christ again and again. And then Jesus came. Mary had to bear a son in very uncertain times. I think of my friends who are now pregnant. The cross they bear knowing there may be just a few beds in the hospitals because of the virus. She must have grieved hearing. “There is no room in the inn.” Family close by but they couldn’t visit. She said yes again to bearing the light and warmth of Jesus into a cold world.

I said yes to having Zelie (my daughter) with so much joy. But every yes since has continued to stretch me to love deeper and better. There are many crosses of motherhood that I would have never fathomed. Looking to Mary fills me with courage to keep saying yes to Jesus.

Jesus, please help me be holy.

I pray that you have the courage to give the Lord your fiat. We are in a challenging time. Life is asking things of you in a very unique way. How can you choose to whisper yes to the Lord today? How can you bear the hope of Christ within you despite the present challenges?

Mary, please be our guide. Help us to be washed over by the warmth of the Holy Spirit as we say yes again and again to Jesus. Help us be courageous to say yes to what the Lord is asking of us.

Jesus, please be within us. May your closeness alleviate our fears, anxieties, and uncertainties. May your peace, goodness, happiness and light be upon us. Jesus, we love you.

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